Traffic collection instructions

to make traffic collecting works you need to make sure that you added the cronjob in the installation

use crontab -e to add an 'every hour' cronjob:

10 * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/html/whmcs_dir/modules/servers/Xenica/cron/cron.php

you can try it from browser

and check if any errors appears .

if you have so many VMs , and this file take a long time to finish , try to:

- disable any not used servers on whmcs

- you can separate cronjob into 2 files (every hour , and every day) like this

10 * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/html/whmcs_dir/modules/servers/Xenica/cron/gettraffic.php

30 2 * * * /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/html/whmcs_dir/modules/servers/Xenica/cron/getUUIDs.php