Setting up Xenica IP Manager
We have a dedicated IP manager to manage all IP related tasks like
* Assigning IPs to the VM
* Maintaining IP records assigned to the user
* Displaying IP availability status
* Ability to add/remove multiple IPs
* Filter IPs based on user names,NOC and IP availability
and so many features.
You can access the IP manager by WHMCS Addons -> Xenica and Select **IP Manager**{{ :user:ipmanager.png?direct |}}
We have a Concept of NOC/Datacenter in our IP manager, in which IPs are Allotted based on NOC
Were you can have multiple servers on a same NOC/DC.
i.e (If you need some servers to use completely different set of IPs, you can simply change its NOC/DC to Some other name
By Default all Servers will be added to **(Default)** NOC
You Can edit the NOC of the Server by accessing WHMCS Setup -> Products/Services -> Servers
{{ :user:setupservers.png?direct |}}
Click Edit on the left Corner Server Which you want to change the NOC
{{ :user:serverdatacenter.png?direct |}}
Add the **NOC/Data center name** and **save** the Changes
{{ :user:addingdatacenter.png?direct |}}
You can add 1 or more IP(s) to the Xenica IP manager
If you want to add a Range of IPs Select
WHMCS Addons -> Xenica -> IP manager -> Click on the Add Range button
{{ :user:addiprange.png?direct |}}
* Select the Data center/NOC where you want to use these IPs or you can leave it as Default
* Enter the First IP address and last IP address,Last IP address, Submask, Broadcast and Gateway, then click **Add IP Range**
{{ :user:addingips.png?direct |}}
If you want to add 1 or more IPs with different range Select the number of IPs you want to add and Click on **More IP(s)**
{{ :user:different_range.png?direct |}}
From there you can add 1 or more IPs with different range
''Adding Single IP''
{{ :user:adding_single_ip.png?direct |}}
''Adding multiple IPs''
{{ :user:adding_two_ip.png?direct |}}
After you added the IPs, you can see the IPs as shown below.
Form here you can Verify
* VM name which the IP(s) assigned to
* Availability of the IP(s)
* Data Center of the IP(S)
{{ :user:after_ip_added.png?direct |}}
If you want to delete 1 or more IP(s), Select the Check Box on the right corner and Click **Update IPs Data**
{{ :user:delete_ip.png?direct |}}